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Geneseo, NY

Renovate Sturges Hall
SUNY Geneseo


Sturges Hall, constructed in 1938, is Geneseo’s signature building and originally functioned as the administration building.  As the campus evolved and more buildings were constructed, the functions within this building changed to include the History Department, student services, tutoring, and faculty offices.  Flynn Battaglia Architects, teamed with Perkins Eastman of Pittsburgh PA developed a program that includes a balance of classrooms, faculty offices, community offices, and new programs such as the Center for Integrated Learning. The project focus is renovating the building interior to accommodate these inserted programs and provide 21st century learning environments.  The exterior of the building will be renovated, including replacement of the windows, masonry repointing and rehabilitating the exterior terrace. Due to the building’s historic nature, key historic spaces within the building will remain and be restored to their original configuration, including a monumental stair off the main entrance of the building and the auditorium space on the second floor.


After the Schematic Design Phase, SUCF made a decision to separate the project into two separate projects- Sturges Hall - Abatement & Window Replacement Project, which is currently in the Pre Bid Phase and Sturges Hall - Fit Out Project, which is currently in the Design Manual Phase.

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