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FBA Wins the Buffalo Architecture Foundation’s Pro Bono Publico Award for Distinguished Service

Flynn Battaglia Architects has been awarded the Buffalo Architecture Foundation’s Pro Bono Publico for Distinguished Service for our ongoing efforts for the Buffalo Lighthouse Association’s proposed visitor center.  This award recognizes exemplary pro bono services, rendered in the public interest without fee or with a significant reduction in fees, provided to not-for-profit clients.  Our firm proactively imparts a firm-wide philosophy that providing pro bono services affords our staff rewarding opportunities to connect with passionate individuals undertaking projects at the grassroots level and to provide guidance along a path to the end goal.

The Buffalo Lighthouse Association (BLA), stewards some of the oldest surviving examples of public architecture in the city–the 1833 Buffalo Lighthouse and the 1903 South Buffalo Lighthouse. A gem of the region’s maritime heritage, the 1833 Buffalo Lighthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also a designated City of Buffalo, Niagara Frontier and American Civil Engineering landmark.

(Site viewsheds from a design charette including BLA,  APX and the FBA team.)

Since the 1833 Buffalo Lighthouse accommodates tours group of limited size only, BLA approached Flynn Battaglia Architects and the University at Buffalo’s Senemut Chapter of the Alpha Rho Chi professional architecture co-educational fraternity to envision a new Buffalo Lighthouse Visitor Center.

The Flynn Battaglia team of Principal Peter Flynn, AIA, Preservation Leader Michael Lennon, AIA, Design Leader Christopher Less, AIA and Architectural Planner Courtney Creenan-Chorley, Associate AIA mentored and collaborated with the fraternity students to study precedents, develop a concept design and establish site strategies. The new visitor center is planned to be located near the former site of the 1905 U.S. Lifesaving Service Station at Lighthouse Point in the Outer Harbor. Referencing the footprint and form of the original wood-shingled building while expressing a modern, transparent aesthetic, the illuminated cultural venue will offer strategic connecting views to the lighthouse, the Buffalo River, Lake Erie and downtown Buffalo. Influenced by rescue boats, the interior shell of the exhibit hall will be clad in warm wood with rugged cast iron fittings.




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Brisbane Building

403 Main Street, Suite 528

Buffalo, NY 14203

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